Ancestral Practices for Contemporary Times

Katherine is a full-time spirit worker, artist and practitioner of folk medicine residing in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her influences vary from her tutelage in Evolutionary Astrology, shamanism, Western Mysteries, the Celtic Faery tradition, Seidr, Egyptian magic, Trolldom, Chöd, and underworld traditions. Katherine’s dedication to her craft springs from a vast well of animism, mythology and history.

Her training began as an oracular medium when she was a young teenager for the purpose of gathering knowledge, changing possibilities, and the refinement of consciousness. She continues to explore alternative healing modalities that encompass Ancestral wisdom and lore. She gives thanks to her teachers Betsy Bergstrom, Johannes Gårdbäck, Steven Forrest, Josephine McCarthy, Daniel Foor, Lama Wangdu Rinpoche and others who inspire her work.


“Katherine is a practitioner with a pure heart, exceptional seeing abilities, and a strong capacity for intricate healing work. A session with her opens the way for you to reconnect with your True Self and live from that power”

— Rayann Gordon, Spirit Worker

“She is the real deal, a truly well-seasoned practitioner”

— Ray Ristorcelli, PhD Scientist

“My ancestral healing with Katherine was revolutionary! She reconnected me to a magical history I longed to claim as my own, and found a deeper narrative in the blockages that were frustrating to witness in myself. I am grateful to her and her guides for the vision and healing. I now work with this new perspective to move forward through familial trauma residue and into joyful expression of my innate gifts.”

— Jordan River

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